Sunday, 31 July 2011

Bergers and Clare Mare 31July, 2011

Where is it??

Went to the Bergers Hides and Clare Mare this morning.  A lovely day; hot but fog at L'eree. 
Little Egret, Marsh Harrier and of course Pigeons. 

Saturday, 30 July 2011

RSPB Bats Les Vauxbelets 29th July, 2011

Bat sound monitors were available to hear the bat sounds

Went to see bats by the Little Chapel. 
Bat sound monitors were available to hear the bat sounds. 
No photos of bats but heard and saw a number of bats. 
Very small! 

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Rue des Bergers and Clare Mare Ringing

Went to Bergers hide today but no Kingfisher.  Some ducks, coots, thrush, etc...
Then went to Clare Mare and saw 'Chris' the bird ringer at work.  A young female blackbird was in the nets and we saw the inspection and ringing at close range. 

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Kingfisher at Rue des Bergers

Went to the top hide at Rue des Bergers this morning (10:20am) and saw a kingfisher for the first time!  She, female as orange bottom of beak, was there for a minute or so then flew away. 
Tiny and colourful even from the far distance where she was on a pole in the lake.  A week ago you could not see the pole from the bottom hide because of the reeds but now it has been cut back a little.   Shame I was not in the bottom hide which is right next to the pole. 

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

RSPB Walk Saumarez Nature Walk 13th July, 2011

A lovely evening for a walk.  Not many birds.  Included sparrows, blackbirds, crows, greenfinch and pigeons.  Apparently there were 19 varieties that we saw. 
Only took these few photos.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Rue des Bergers Hide

Went to the two hides at Rue des Bergers today in search of new birds.  No kingfishers around though.