Saturday 23 July 2011

Kingfisher at Rue des Bergers

Went to the top hide at Rue des Bergers this morning (10:20am) and saw a kingfisher for the first time!  She, female as orange bottom of beak, was there for a minute or so then flew away. 
Tiny and colourful even from the far distance where she was on a pole in the lake.  A week ago you could not see the pole from the bottom hide because of the reeds but now it has been cut back a little.   Shame I was not in the bottom hide which is right next to the pole. 


  1. First time in Guernsey, not first time ever????

  2. First time for me to see a kingfisher in the wild. There are In a few locations in Guernsey such as this one by fleur du Jardin and another at reservoir.
